
IRS Tax Matters
Innocent Spouse Relief

Sage Law Firm provides compassionate guidance and expert representation to individuals seeking Innocent Spouse Relief and protection from unknowingly signing joint tax returns containing inaccuracies or fraudulent activities.

Innocent Spouse Relief Assistance at Sage Law Firm

Sage Law Firm assists clients seeking Innocent Spouse Relief, which is a provision offered by the IRS to provide relief to taxpayers who were unaware of errors or fraudulent activity of a spouse (or former spouse) on a jointly filed tax return. This relief is particularly relevant in situations where one spouse finds themselves facing tax liabilities due to their spouse’s actions or omissions on a joint tax return without their knowledge.

There are three types of Innocent Spouse Relief available:

  1. Classic Innocent Spouse Relief: This relief applies when one spouse was unaware of an understatement of tax on a joint return and can establish that they did not know, and had no reason to know, that there was an understatement when the return was filed. The innocent spouse must also demonstrate that it would be unfair to hold them liable for the understatement.
  2. Separation of Liability Relief: With this type of relief, the IRS divides the tax liability between the two spouses based on their individual contributions to the errors or omissions on the joint tax return. The innocent spouse is only responsible for their portion of the tax liability, relieving them of responsibility for the other spouse’s share.
  3. Equitable Relief: Equitable relief may be available when neither classic innocent spouse relief nor separation of liability relief applies. This type of relief is granted at the discretion of the IRS and considers various factors such as the presence of abuse, financial control exerted by the other spouse, mental or physical health issues, and other relevant circumstances.

Sage Law Firm assists clients in determining their eligibility for Innocent Spouse Relief and guides them through the application and documentation process. We have helped clients request relief in a variety of circumstances and have achieved favorable outcomes. We will work closely with you to gather necessary documentation, assess your individual circumstances, and advocate on your behalf to obtain the most favorable outcome possible.

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